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Brigade Docs

The Brigadier Library

This document describes the public APIs typically used for writing Brigade scripts in either JavaScript or TypeScript. It does not describe internal libraries, nor does it list non-public methods and properties on these objects.

A Brigade script is executed inside of a Brigade Worker. The default worker contains a Node.js environment for installing dependencies and running the supplied script.

High-level Concepts

An Brigade JS/TS file is always associated with a project. A project defines contextual information, and also dictates the security parameters under which the script will execute.

A project may associate the script to a git repository. Otherwise, a project’s script must be defined in-line on the project definition.

Brigade files respond to events. That is, Brigade scripts are typically composed of one or more event handlers. When the Brigade environment triggers an event, the associated event handler will be called.

The brigadier Library

The main library for Brigade is called brigadier. The default Brigade Worker sets up access to this library automatically. The source code for this library is located here and the npm package page here.

To import the library for use in a script, add the following to the top:

const brigadier = require('@brigadecore/brigadier')

It is considered idiomatic to destructure the library on import:

const { events, Job, Group } = require('@brigadecore/brigadier')

Local development

The brigadier library is actually split into two implementations:

  • brigadier contains nearly no-op implementations of the library’s public interfaces
  • brigadier-polyfill contains the logic to actually communicate with a Brigade API server; this is the version subsituted by the worker at runtime

By employing this strategy, developers are offered the possibility of running a Brigade script locally, without consequence, to support development/troubleshooting efforts.

Let’s look at an example.

First, create a new project directory and place the following script contents into a file named brigade.js:

const { events, Job } = require("@brigadecore/brigadier");

events.on("", "exec", async event => {
  let job = new Job("my-first-job", "debian:latest", event);
  job.primaryContainer.command = ["echo"];
  job.primaryContainer.arguments = ["My first job!"];


Then, create a package.json file with our brigadier dependency added:

  "dependencies": {
    "@brigadecore/brigadier": "^2.5.0"

Next, fetch the brigadier dependency (and in turn, its dependencies):

$ npm install

added 3 packages, and audited 4 packages in 1s

found 0 vulnerabilities

Now we’re ready to run our Brigade script in a development capacity, using only the core brigadier library:

$ node brigade.js
No dummy event file provided
Generating a dummy event
No dummy event type provided
Using default dummy event with source "" and type "exec"
Processing the following dummy event:
  id: '7eafd0d3-39e9-4341-bd33-7a215e481024',
  source: '',
  type: 'exec',
  project: { id: '82259392-feea-4102-a8a3-080fdd85cfa9', secrets: {} },
  worker: {
    apiAddress: '',
    apiToken: '7000152b-cd0d-483f-b21f-5ef20292e72a',
    configFilesDirectory: '.brigade',
    defaultConfigFiles: {}
The Brigade worker would run job my-first-job here.


Say we forgot to add the events.process() call at the bottom of our Brigade script. We’d know immediately when executing the script as there would be no output at all, signaling that the event handler did not run.

Optional event config

Developers can optionally provide the following when running their scripts locally:

  • BRIGADE_EVENT_FILE - This is the path to a file containing a JSON representation of a dummy event. To see what a valid event looks like from Brigadier’s perspective, see the dummy event example in the output above or refer to events.ts
  • BRIGADE_EVENT - This is a string of the form <source>:<type> to specify the event source and type that will be handled by the script. In the example above, the dummy event uses

For further example usage of brigadier, please review the Scripting guide and/or peruse the Examples.

Brigadier API Documentation

Documentation for the Brigadier API is generated from the code directly. It can be seen in its two forms: generated directly from the TypeScript source code and generated from the compiled JavaScript.

For the TypeScript documentation, see

For the JavaScript documentation, see